Sunday, May 22, 2016

Where to buy the paper goods...

For those of you who were interested 

The pompoms and paper lanterns were ordered from -

The foam used for the coral and seaweed is called Great Stuff and you can find it at your local hardware store but you can also find the link for it here - Great Stuff

Friday, May 20, 2016

Completed Scene

When all of the little pieces come together, they make an awesome scene!! Happy VBS!!

Flute Coral

Supplies -

Pool noodles cut in various heights
Fishing line

1. Cut the toes out of the stockings and thread on top of the pool noodles. One per noodle

2. Gather up the noodles that have the stockings on them and secure them together with fishing line.

Ombre Backdrop

Ok....If I had to pick a favorite, this is it!! It's not very easy, but I want to make more!!

Supplies -

Coffee filters (I used the economy pack of 1000 I think)
A bottle of blue dye
Clear tape
Fishing line

1. Divide your coffee filters up into 3 sections. The first section will be the darkest, the second a little lighter and the third will be the lightest.

2. Taking care to cover everything you don't want to be blue, dip your filters into the darkest color of dye and then remove to dry. I strung my filters on a fishing line and then once I dipped them, I hung them over the sink to drip dry. Use this same method for the next two colors, just lightening your dye as you go.

 *PSA* - Wear Gloves 

3. I found it easier to string the filters on the backdrop while they were still damp. They laid down a little easier.

4. Hang up however many lines of fishing line you want for your backdrop. Starting at the top, grab the filter in the center so that it makes a little bell when you hold it.

5. Using clear tape, attach the bell shape to the fishing line so that it hangs in a little puff. Repeat this step over and over and over again, starting and taping the next filter in line half way below the one above.

6. I worked from side to side so that when I moved to the light blue, I had an even line all the way across

7. Continue taping until your curtain is complete

Reef Cluster

Supplies -

Pool noodles
Box cutter or hot knife
Hot Glue
Fishing line
Duct tape/clear packing tape
Fillers (pompoms, bath sponges, fish tank accessories)

1. Cut the pool noodles into various shapes and sizes. You can cut the tops off of them to have an angle, you can spiral cut them to look like springs or you can chop them up and use the circles in various ways.

2. For this project, really, anything goes!! Just make sure you have a secure foundation and just know that pool noodles are hard to work with!! Be prepared to use a lot of glue, tape and fishing line!!

Foam Coral

This project is a bit more involved that some of the other crafts on this blog, but it is worth it!! This piece turned out so great!!

Supplies -

Wax paper
Great Stuff insulation

1. Before you get started READ the instructions on the can of Great Stuff. There are many precautions to be taken while using this product. BE SURE TO READ!!!

2. Lay out your wax paper to cover the area that your coral will take up

3. Draw your template for the coral on the wax paper

4. Begin tracing the template you drew on the wax paper with the Great Stuff

5. This stuff is very forgiving!! You can hardly mess it up! But remember....ITS GROWS! It will take a day or so to fully dry and expand, so be patient!

6. After its completely dry - PAINT!

Foam Board Seaweed

Supplies -

Foam board (from the sheeting section of your hardware store)
Hot knife or box cutter
Great Stuff insulation
Spray paint

1. Using your marker, draw your seaweed out onto the clean side of the foam board

2. Follow the design you just drew with a hot knife or box cutter to cut the shape out of the foam board. A hot knife will make this task so much easier....

3. Once you have cut your shape out, pull off the thin, clear plastic film that covers the shape. This will also remove any marker marks you have left over.

4. You can paint it from here if you like, or you can add some Great Stuff insulation to the spines of the seaweed to give it texture.

5. If you add texture, let it dry for a day or so before you paint