Friday, May 20, 2016

Colorful Urchins

These guys take up space, are bright colors and really fun to make!

Supplies -
Straws (MANY)
Zip ties
Utility scissors or wire cutters
Paint (Unless you get colored straws)

1. Gather a grouping of straws in your hand. I started off counting mine, but soon realized that the 50 straws I was counting out was basically just what could fit in my hand. So its totally fine to eyeball it.

2. Take one of the zip ties and tie around the grouping of straws you have in your hand. Then pull TIGHT!!!


3. The tighter you tie the zip tie, the pricklier your urchin will become. Once you have the urchin as spiky as you want, take a pair of wire cutters or utility scissors and trim the zip tie very close to the center of the urchin.

4. If you were like me and used plain straws, then it's time to paint!! If you bought colored straws, then you're done!! 


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